You want to Get Loud with your people. Let them Get Loud with you, too.
Unfiltered, realtime feedback. Hear from your people right now to measure and improve every experience.

With KnowNow, you'll know. Your people will answer your questions by texting their answers from their own phones.
Anything you want to know from your people, KnowNow can help you know. Throw away the Magic 8 Ball. Forget the hunches. Ignore the well meaning advice of your mother-in-law.
You capture feedback realtime, from the right people. You focus on the most important issues. You make the right decisions based on clear answers to your questions. The answers are always up-to-date and available right now.
KnowNow. Use texting to ask your questions and get your answers.
Helping your people Get Loud with KnowNow is dynamic and immediate and customizable and a bunch of other focus-grouped words that indicate thoughtful management and measurement.
Customer surveys don’t sound all that catchy and cool, but trust us, they are.
Take two minutes to learn about how easy it is here:
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Why KnowNow?
- Connector.
Your people already text. You use the power of texting to understand their experience.
- Connector.
They participate in-the-moment. Results are available immediately and always.
- Connector.
You get six questions, so you have to prioritize, to drill down to what’s most important. Reports are clear and to the point.
- Connector.
You choose your questions, and adapt whenever you choose. Closed-end, open-end, multiple choice, demographic – anything you want to know, you can know.